Sunday, January 22, 2006


is there any easy way of knowing that you're in love? i mean, how do you realize that you have fallen so hopelessly for someone that you are willing to overlook every fault in him just so you get to see the best things? is it when every thing that you do seems to be linked inexorably to him? is it when you really can't think of a situation where he's not there? what is it? well, when you come to think of it, there's no one answer, is there? all the things which seemed so corny before suddenly becomes not that bad after all. evening walks, endless talks about...well...nothing, seeing that awesomely cute blush appear at a private joke. when lo behold! you can write love poetry! sounds familiar? cliched even. yes, but then what is it that brings a smile every single time you think of singularly common moments? maybe the question i really should be asking is that how do such all-too-publicly discussed emotions suddenly become so private and individual? and you know what? the funny thing you'll notice about lovers is that they're a horribly superstitious lot. this that or the other and they get freaked out thinking some catastrophe is on their way. touchwood.
well anyhow i've drifted far and wide from my original query. in all liklihood, there's no straight answer to these questions. like every other bugging question, i guess. but nonetheless its fun to think about it, whatever be the outcome. or the lack of it! happy thinking!

1 comment:

supu said...

thank you. thanks for being there man.