Sunday, April 02, 2006

impact art

awesome play. credit--bodhi, didi and gogo. i swear, the level of impact had me totally stumped. let me illustrate. my mum, who was, incidentally, seeing the play for the first time, had no clue that there were no water bottles, several apples, chlormints and will/scripts in the "original". ive never quite enjoyed an evening as much as i did today. and i had added entertainment in the form of arunabha. altogether, a great, if not weird, time. too bad people missed out on this one. u rock guys!


Shion Guha said...

Yes, indeed, inflation and rope ---- the eternal mystery...

supu said...

genies and "superior" bottles included??

Shion Guha said...

Superior? Never heard of him in my entire life...