Sunday, June 11, 2006

things to think about

they have this thing called the world cup diaries. maybe i should start one for office. saturday sundays at statesman are like weekends at any other office. things are generally slower, fewer people turn up. but since this is the business of running a newspaper, every frigging day is a working day.
i thought a lot about this work yesterday. the primary question is--is this what i really want to do? i know if i stick to it i wont be sub-editing for the rest of my life. but do i want to deal with news and reports? then again, there's this thing about french. i want to finish it. i want to learn german, russian, spanish, greek, latin and sanskrit.ok so that is going to take me aa better part of my life. but hey people have dreams. i want to learn them. plus there's linguistics. honestly one might think that im just trying to create a world so tht i can show-off to people. but that's not my intention at all. these are things that i love. nothing interests me as much as language does. the nuances of a language, the intricacies of its usage, its development through time--all this fascinates me. and i think that is as good a reason as any for me to work in that area.
having said that, i do not plan to quit on this one either. i have never run away from anything. dad and mom both tell me that i am not a shirker. just because i havent enjoyed the first few days, does not mean that i am not going to stick to something i have decided to give a shot. that is just not my style. yes you might say that i am trying to prove a point. but that is not to anyone else. not to the world. not to my parents. just to me. i have to do this.


Madhura said...

talking about linguistics...i found this course on comparative philology...its rather intersting...

supu said...

where's this course? and who's this?

Madhura said...

this is oxford-e :

Madhura said...

this is ssssibilant